Back to the Scene of the Crime

One year ago I was wandering along Ruby Beach in Washington's Olympic National Park. I was looking at small tide pools when along came a rouge wave. As I turned to get away I tripped over a rock and fell into less than a foot of water. My $7500 1Ds Mark II also went for a little dip. At first I was laughing. Then I could smell the electronics burning. Bummer. End of vacation. End of my 1Ds? (I'm sure to get letters from Nikonians telling me that not only can their D whatever tread water but it can do the backstroke. C'mon let's keep it real.)

Three months later I decided I would sell the camera for parts on EBay. I bought a 5D and and life would move on. (At least as far as photography goes. It's rather hopeless in rest of my life.) I put the battery in, and much to my surprise the camera came on, and the shutter fired. Wow! I checked it out and everything was working except the buttons on the vertical grip. I took it apart and tried to clean it. I could see a little corrosion on the battery terminals but nothing else. The vertical grip controls still didn't work, but it was obvious that Canon Repair had never taken the camera apart. Bad Canon, bad!
Fast forward to a year after the mishap. What else could I do except go back to the scene of the crime. The famed Ruby Beach of Olympic National Park. Take that. (Well I really don't have much of a line here. I was never good with words that's why I took up photography.) I just had to go back and finish what I started. Two beautiful sunsets later I felt great. Things had come full circle, or so I thought.

The pictures above are all from my 1Ds Mark II. Below is a slide show from my trip. 95% is the 1Ds MK II - 5% is the 5D. In 12 days from L.A (10 days of Shooting) : I went to: Olympic National Park, Mt Rainier, Columbia River Gorge, Crater Lake, Redwood National Park, and Rodeo Beach CA. You can also see more in my Washington State 2 Gallery, Redwood National Park Gallery, Misc Central Coast Gallery (Just the Rodeo Beach Photos) and a few of the top photos in my Oregon Gallery.
Labels: Olympic National Park, Washington